Creating Wellness

Blood Pressure Medications and Nutrient Deficiencies

Blood Pressure Medications and Nutrient Deficiencies

I am big advocate of knowing what medication can cause Nutrinet defieciences. We even have a table out linning then click here to see. 

With regard to BP certain  MEDICATIONS can AFFECT your NUTRIENTS:
The following are a few ways that blood pressure medications can affect how our bodies absorb essential nutrients.

  • The medication can attach itself to a nutrient and pass it out of the body
  • The medication can alter the pH in the gut so that the nutrient can’t be properly absorbed
  • Some medications need specific nutrients in order for them to be able to work.

    With regard to BP certain  MEDICATIONS can AFFECT your NUTRIENTS:
    The following are a few ways that blood pressure medications can affect how our bodies absorb essential nutrients.

    • The medication can attach itself to a nutrient and pass it out of the body
    • The medication can alter the pH in the gut so that the nutrient can’t be properly absorbed
    • Some medications need specific nutrients in order for them to be able to work.

The Following are Blood Pressure Medications, Nutrients Commonly Depleted and the Negative Impact of the Deficient Nutrients

    Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE Inhibitors) are one of the most commonly used families of blood pressure medicines. Examples include; ramipril, enalapril, lisinopril, quinapril, fosinopril, trandolapril and captopril.

Nutrients that can be depleted by these medicines are

zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium. So Our ZINC PLUS and our Hydration Salts has all these repplacment nutrients for you. 

Deficiencies in these nutrients can cause hair loss, slow healing of wounds, loss of taste or smell, prostate problems, loss of sex drive, frequent infections, leg cramps, weight gain, bone loss, high blood pressure its self. 

    Another commonly used family of blood pressure medicines. Examples include; amlodipine, nifedipine, felodipine, diltiazem and verapamil.

Nutrients that can be depleted by these medicines are potassium, calcium, vitamin D and possibly Co-Enzyme Q10. The best product here is Co-Q10 plus Carnitine and Vit D. 

Symptoms that can occur due to deficiencies in these nutrients are fatigue, leg cramps, frequent infections, thirst, muscle weakness, bone loss, confusion, high blood pressure, confusion, heart disease and rapid or irregular heartbeat.

    Examples of beta blockers include; atenolol, metoprolol, sotalol and bisoprolol.

Beta blockers can deplete the body of Co-Enzyme Q10 and melatonin.The best product here is Co-Q10 plus Carnitine and Vit D + melatonin each night.  

Symptoms that can occur due to deficiencies in these nutrients are insomnia, disrupted sleep, increased risk of cancer, autoimmune disorders, muscle cramps, memory loss.


The above blood pressure medications may in fact cause nutrient deficiencies making it more important to consider supplementing with these nutrients to decrease the negative symptom consequences


Always discuss this important information on blood pressure nutrient deficiencies with your healthcare provider.


Pharmavite. Common drug classes, drug-nutrient depletions, & drug-nutrient interactions. Accessed September 20, 2019.

Please refer to our chart . 

Lou x 

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