Creating Wellness

Stay Viral Free This Winter

Stay Viral Free This Winter

Stay Viral Free This Winter

Did you know that every tissue in the body is filled with Immune Cells?

Hello Health Advocates,
For the past decade, we’ve consistently heard antibiotics don’t work as well as they used to. Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to their effects and resistance is here. Any use of antibiotics encourages exposed bacteria to develop ways of becoming resistant. Exposing bacteria to antibiotics pressures them to adapt to the antibiotics in an “adapt or die” life and death saga. 
So, what is being done about over use of antibiotics? The World Health Organisation recommends a number of different options. High on the list is renewing efforts to discover and develop blockbuster agents that can combat these new “superbugs”. Great a new drug to grow resistance to!
Lower down the list are recommendations about how to use antibiotics more responsibly. This means having positive strategies to preserve the remaining effective antibiotics. This shift has started. 
But hey what about the use of NON -antibiotics to treat infections? Let look at some natural non-antibiotic treatments that can effectively help support your immune system and help you stay virus free. 

Non-antibiotic bacteria killers //

Like antibiotics, non-antibiotic antimicrobials also inhibit and kill bacteria. However, unlike antibiotics, they often have multiple ways of killing or inhibiting bacteria, and are often toxic if ingested. They are frequently limited to topical applications such as creams and ointments. Antiseptics are classic non-antibiotic agents.

Many antibiotics are used topically to prevent infections such as those on the skin. While they do this quite effectively, exposing bacteria to antibiotics encourages the processes that lead to antibiotic resistance. Using non-antibiotic antimicrobials instead of antibiotics can help reduce antibiotic resistance.

Some non-antibiotics  //

Honey (Skin and sore Throat)
Honey – natural and effective
Researchers found medical-grade honey was as effective as a topical antibiotic cream they had used around sites to stop infections starting. They also noted that the level of resistance to the antibiotic they previously used declined once they stopped using it. Gargle medicinal honey for a sore throat with Iodine and it will kill bacteria and viruses, great for that winter sore throat.
Mannose (Urinary track infection)
Recent trials in humans have suggested that mannose, a type of sugar similar to glucose, may be useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections. Mannose, found in many fruits and vegetables, was found to render bacteria incapable of attaching to the cells of the urinary tract.

Tea tree oil (Chest an sinus infection)
Tea tree oil will inhibit a wide range of bacteria and is safe for topical use. Tea tree oil has also been found to be effective against some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Vaporise tee tree Oil into your room through winter to stop germ warfare 
Vinegar (infected Eczema , school sores) 
You can drink it, use it as a cleaning agent and YES wash your skin in it or even bath in it! 

Bathing the infected site with a dilute solution of vinegar can work well on otherwise difficult-to-treat infection. The acidity of the vinegar due to its acetic acid content is thought to be responsible for its effectiveness.
Why aren’t we doing this?
In order to be substituted for antibiotics, there must be evidence that the non-antibiotic agent is as effective as antibiotics and is safe. The evidence would come from lab based work and clinical trials, which cost money to generate. Usually this work is done by companies that patent the product, pay the costs of development and then benefit from the market monopoly the patent gives them.
Many non-antibiotic antimicrobial agents such as those discussed above are not products that can be patented. Thus, no drug companies can make money from their use. Consequently, the work either happens very slowly or doesn’t get done at all.
So, despite the potentially enormous health, social and economic benefits that may flow from their development and use, including the preservation of antibiotics, there is almost no commercial incentive to develop and test them and few efficient non-commercial pathways.
Antibiotics are a precious, rapidly waning resource that should be preserved for as long as possible. Substituting non-antibiotic agents for antibiotics, if proven safe and effective, would mean that bacteria would be less likely to develop resistance. Then if and when they are really needed, antibiotics would still work.
The Compounding Lab’s Product Recommendation for Building Immunity – (click the link’s to purchase) 
Clean Immune Improve Capsules 
98 Alive Immune 
Megapre probiotic 
Immunitone plus 
If you are wanting to know more on any of our products or services, please contact us at [email protected] OR call us on (07) 3862 6000.

Thanks, Lou

Mary-louise Condon
Senior Compounding Pharmacist

45 Crosby Road, Albion. Q. 4010.
P: 07 3862 6000   F: 07 32560801  M: 0419766182
E: [email protected]
The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a medical doctor or other qualified health provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have have read on this site. All compounded medicine that are scheduled require a doctor’s prescription.

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